DANAK's Board of Directors has established a number of advisory committees to advise DANAK in matters of fundamental importance for accreditation or in specific circumstances within an area of accreditation.

The committees can suggest topics to be addressed by DANAK's Board and appoint ad hoc working groups to discuss specific issues.

DANAK's customers and others with an interest in the area have the opportunity to suggest topics for discussion in the committee.


Within their field of expertise, the committees can discuss the requirements for accreditation and matters relating to the operation of the accreditation system, including improvement of the current practice.

The committees can

  • comment on drafts of requirements documents
  • discuss new legislation
  • discuss the interpretation of specific requirements of standards, guides and the accreditation regulations
  • discuss particular requirements in connection with regulatory demands.

Finally they can assist in creating awareness about accreditation, DANAK and accreditation's impact on society.


Members of the committees are appointed by relevant stakeholders. The composition of the Committee is representative of the users of the accreditation scheme. Thus, there are representatives of both accredited companies, authorities and other relevant stakeholders

DANAKs Director may appoint additional members with special knowledge of a Committee area. The committees' Chairmen are appointed by the DANAK Board of Directors. DANAK is secretariate for the committees.

The Board has appointed the following advisory committees:

At present there are no advisory committee for medical laboratories and cooperation with interested parties is described in Terms of Reference here